I'm supposed to be on a low sodium
diet. Will this plan work for me?
Special Diet
When you filled out your eating habits evaluation, the questionnaire asked you whether you were allergic to, or did not want to eat, certain foods. You may have noticed that not all the common foods to which people are allergic were listed. That's because we don't ask about allergies to foods that we never specifically prescribe -- or foods that you already eat, as indicated by our questionnaire answers.
A couple of examples:
And remember, before starting any diet plan, check with your doctor.
The program can work for all but those on the strictest low-sodium diets (less than 2000 mg a day). Of course, it's always a good idea to discuss any new diet or fitness program with your doctor.
Reducing the sodium in your diet will help control high blood pressure, as will losing , eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and limiting alcohol. Here are some tips for keeping your salt intake down while following your eating plan:
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