If you're on a diet, you absolutely, positively should be eating dessert. Really. For one, deprivation isn't sustainable. Deny yourself sweets for too long, and before you know it, you'll wake up with an empty cookie tin and a sugar hangover that makes tequila look tame. Ultimately, you'll gain back whatever weight you've lost and call the whole diet thing off.
Let yourself indulge in dessert on the regular though, and you may start to skip second and third helpings to save room for your treat. As long as you don't overdo it on dessert, this could reduce your overall calorie intake and ultimately result in weight loss, says Vicki Shanta Retelny, Chicago-based registered dietitian nutritionist.
But don't just give your sweet tooth anything it wants. Set aside no more than 200 calories per day for dessert, and choose a treat that doubles as a weight loss weapon. It should be portion-controlled and include all of the most satisfying nutrients: high-fiber carbs, protein, and a little bit of fat, Retelny says. Here are nine treats that fit the bill – none of which are boring fruit:
1. If You Crave a Brownie: Try a Pure Bar Organic Dark Chocolate Brownie Bar
2. If You Crave Lots of Chocolate: Try Dark Chocolate-Drizzled Popcorn
3. If You Crave an Ice Cream Sundae: Try Greek Yogurt With Pistachios, Honey, and Dark Chocolate Chunks
4. If You Crave Real Ice Cream: Do It Up
5. If You Crave Ice Cream (and Seriously Can't Stop at a ½ Cup): Eat Arctic Zero Frozen Dessert
7. If You Crave Pudding: Try Homemade Chia Pudding
9. If You Crave Cake: Eat a Starbucks Chocolate Cake Pop
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