Step 1: Eat Well

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Can You Lose Weight With This Huge Vibrating Fork?

One of life’s most mundane endeavors is weight loss. As much as I’ve tried to enjoy going to the gym (shoutout to the ladies at water aerobics! Much love!) or embracing a fun new diet (cabbage soup! Never leaving the bathroom again!), my boredom has always caught up with me. And if not my boredom, then a polite gym attendant who has to invite me to stop walking on the treadmill like it's a runway because it is disturbing the other patrons. In...

Imagine Having to List Your Weight and Height on a Job Application

In what may be the world's most awkward job application process, right up there with trying out to be Miley Cyrus's Christmas tree, South Korean companies routinely ask prospective employees for personal details like height, weight, and blood type. Korea Investment & Securities Co., the Wall Street Journal reports, also asks applicants for information about their parents' employment. Additionally: Rubber-product maker...

Teens Who Overcome Obesity Likelier To Develop Eating Disorders

A new study from Pediatrics (via USA Today) shows that obese teens who lose the excess weight are significantly likelier to develop eating disorders later in life. That's no surprise — losing weight is tough, and the lines between dieting and disordered eating can easily become blurry. But unlike adolescents who start off at a more normal size and then lose weight, formerly obese teens are much less likely to receive medical...

9 Times You Should Shut Up About Your Weight

1. When you wake up. "Ugh, I feel so fat today!" is a shitty way to start the day, and you don't need that garbage talk in your brain or your life, so kindly knock it off and start your day with a "Holy fuck, I am the hottest and also, is Zac Efron single?! Because someone should tell him he can't get this." (JK, Efron. JK forever.) 2. Before you eat. Aka "Ugh, I was so bad earlier today, I better skip dessert!" News flash: Skipping dessert...

A Certain Kind of Apple May Prevent Weight Gain

Everybody knows that apples are healthy, but there's a new reason to reach for the green ones: In a recent study, researchers from Washington State University compared seven common apples varieties and found that Granny Smiths are more likely than other kinds to help fend off health issues related to obesity, reduce your risk of diabetes, and maybe even promote weight loss. In the study, researchers separated and measured different components...

How Victoria's Secret Model Elyse Taylor Lost 60 Pounds of Baby Weight

Australian model Elyse Taylor gave birth to daughter Lila eight months ago. Being a Victoria's Secret model, naturally, she's back in her pre-pregnancy shape: Taylor says she put on over 60 pounds during her pregnancy, weighing 176 pounds right before she gave birth, according to the Daily Mail Australia. (Experts in the States recommend a 25- to 35-pound weight gain for women who are at a normal weight before pregnancy, or up to...

The 9 Best Desserts for Weight Loss

If you're on a diet, you absolutely, positively should be eating dessert. Really. For one, deprivation isn't sustainable. Deny yourself sweets for too long, and before you know it, you'll wake up with an empty cookie tin and a sugar hangover that makes tequila look tame. Ultimately, you'll gain back whatever weight you've lost and call the whole diet thing off. Let yourself indulge in dessert on the regular though, and you...